Sunday 20 March 2016

كتاب الشامل في اختراق الاجهزة و المواقع والسيرفرات

السلام عليكم
اليوم اتيت لكم بكتاب جميل جدا تحت اسم مدخل الى عالم اختراق المواقع والسيرفرات

أصبحت كلمة " اختراق " أو " هاكينج " في يومنا هذا على طرف كل لسان تقريبا ، فبات لزوما على الكثيرين أن يكتشفوا ويتعمقوا في دلالات هذه الكلمة ويعرفوا خباياها الكثيرة . إن السبب الرئيسي في إخراج هذا الكتاب هو تسهيل إيصال الباحث عن المعرفة إلى هدفه من باب واسع وبطريقة سهلة تمكنه من استيعاب المعلومة بشكل صحيح وجعله أمام واقع وحقيقة لا زيادة أو نقصان فيهما ، ومن هنا يتبين أن الكتاب سيحمل في طياته ما هو أكثر من مجرد طرق وأساليب لتعلم اختراق المواقع و السيرفرات . ومن الأكيد أيضا أن موضوعا كهذا لن يلم بكل جوانبه كتاب واحد إلا أنني اخترت أن أكتب وأوضح عدة مسائل تهم المبتدئ في مسيرته سواء قرر أن يستمر فيها أو أن يتذوق جانبها المعرفي فحسب ، وعلى هذا الأساس وجب أن أنوه إلى أنني سأضع بين يديك عزيزي القارئ المعلومات كما هي وألخص عليك عشرات المواضيع التي ما كنت لتقرأها وإنما كانت لتكون خلاصة في ذهنك لمراحل كنت ستمر بها والتي أيضا كانت لتأخذ منك فترة طويلة من الزمن قبل أن تدركها وعليه فأنا لم أعقد عليك الأمور أو أسهلها أكثر من اللازم بل اتخذت معايير ارتأيت فيها أنها الأنسب حسب تجربتي الشخصية وملاحظتي لمن كانوا معي في نفس المشوار كما أنني ركزت على أهم ما ستحتاج إليه واعتمدت على التفسير والشرح بشكل موسع وابتعدت عن رؤوس الأقلام في كل موضوع والسبب في ذالك بسيط ، ففي بداية كل عمل يمضي فيه الإنسان تجده يحتاج لتوجيه وشرح دقيقين حتى تتبين وتتضح الفكرة له بشكل كامل فأتمنى أن يكون في عملي هذا فائدة للجميع . هذا هو الإصدار الأول من الكتاب تحت اسم " مدخل إلى عالم اختراق المواقع و السيرفرات ".

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عدد الصفحات : 175
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السلام عليكم
اليوم اتيت لكم بكتاب جميل جدا تحت اسم مدخل الى عالم اختراق المواقع والسيرفرات
لن اتكلم كثيرا حتى لا اضيع الوقت للتحميل من
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Friday 18 March 2016

Make Money Online With Payoneer Partners sites at low minimum payment

Make Money Online With Payoneer Partners sites at low minimum payment

Make money online with Payoneer partners paying at the lowest payment threshold. When we work online, we expect fast payment. In fact, the lower an internet money making program paying threshold is, the faster you will reach the minimum payout; happier you’ll be.
As you know, Payoneer is a convenient way to get paid online. A physical debit Mastercard is sent to your home address for free; you can use it to purchase at online store, offline store and to withdraw at local ATM machine in your own currency. Don’t get your own already? Start now, get $25 free when you upload $100: get a debit card powered by Payoneer for free!

How to make money with payoneer partners?

I wanted to add clarification first. This post is not about how to make money online with payoneer refer a friend program. This post is about online work at home jobs and paying programs that are payoneer partners; and those programs pay at low minimum payment; people often call them “payoneer online jobs”.
A payoneer partner is a program, a company, which is allowed to provides Payoneer powered debit MasterCard to its customers and workers. The similarity between these programs are the payment methods. They differ in the way you can use them to earn revenue. So, what ever your skill level, your fields of interest, you’re ready to go with this payoneer partners’ list.

This is a list of Payoneer partners who make payment process at low minimum payout:

$10 minimum payment threshold program paying through Payoneer : Shorten links to share on the internet. Get paid $1 to $5 per mille views. Get paid through PayPal at the minimum of $1 and $10 through Payoneer prepaid MasterCard! Daily payment for 1 month old users and previously paid users; Monthly payment for general publishers.

Payoneer partners paying at $20 minimum payout

Exoclick: It is cost per click, cost per view, cost per action ad media for web and mobile platform. The minimum payout is $20 through Payoneer weekly.
Kontextua: Kontextua is a display, inlink and ads in image advertising network. They are paying through Payoneer at $20 minimum.
Sharecash: Sharecash is a paid per download file. Get up to $1 for each download, the minimum payout through debit card is $20.
SeoClerks: Seoclerks is a micro jobs site paying via payoneer. Make money online completing micro tasks and get paid through Payoneer, Paypal, Western Union, etc… Get paid into your free debit MasteCard when your account balance reach $20.

$25 minimum payout – payoneer partners

Text-link-ads: It is a link marketplace where advertisers buy link place on publisher website. You will get paid monthly if your account or equal or greater than $25.
reviewme: Get hired to write product, website reviews. The reviews may be positive, negative or neutral. Up to $100 per reviews, get paid when you have $25 or more $ in account.
Mediashakers: It is a cpc, cpm, cpa ad network. They are paying at $25 via Mediashakers debit card powered by Payoneer.
Adbooth : Adbooth is an ad network split into a cost per mille and a cost per action network. It is one of the internet money making program where you can cashout your earning via Payoneer debit MasterCard.

$30 minimum payout

freelancer: It is the world most large freelance marketplace. Get hired and complete outsourcing projects. Withdraw as soon as you accumulate $30 in balance account.
plimus: sell your own products or promote someone else product as an affiliate. Withdraw your money when you have $30.
Elance: Elance for electronic Lancing is an outsourcing and freelance marketplace where you can make money online and get paid through Payoneer at $20 minimum payment threshold.

$35 minimum withdrawal via Payoneer

bluesnap: promote products as marketer and get sales. Get paid through Payonner, Ach, wire and PayPal at $35 minimum!

$50 minimum payout

Infolinks: Monetize your text with infolinks, they are paying twice a month when your earning is above $49.
Copacet: Copacet is a gaming related ad network which pay on NET 5 through Payoneer debit card when your earning reach $50. Get up to $15 per mille views for pop under game advertising.
Peerfly: Peerfly is an CPA affiliate marketing programs paying through payoneer at $50 minimum payment threshold. It is an high paying CPA program; earn up to $300 per action (signups, leads, sales, visits, etc…). earn up to 15% from referred sales; get paid up to $20 for placing banners on your photography related website. Get paid in DepositPhotos Prepaid debit MasterCard powered by Payoneer.

$100 minimum payout

dreamstime: dreamstime is a professional stock photos sites for free and paid photos. You earn money as contributor or affiliates. Get paid $5 per signup and 10% per transaction as affiliates; earn 25 to 60% per sale of photo you contribute. Get paid at $100 minimum payout through Payoneer, Moneybookers, PayPal and check.
IStockPhotos: Stock photos site by! Get paid 15 to 45% per sale of photo you contribute to the photo bank. Get paid through Payoneer, check, PayPal and moneybookers at $100 minimum.

Join and make money online with payoneer partners which set low minimum payment threshold and are reputable among internet money makers. Don’t limit yourself to payoneer’s official partners. Remember that you can get paid through payoneer from any company paying through ACH/Direct Transfer or PayPal; you just have to activate payoneer Us payment services. Enjoy!…

Sunday 6 March 2016

30 Ways To Monetize Your Blog & Make Money Blogging!

There are many different ways to generate money with your website online. Unfortunately, too many people often give up because at that present time they aren’t making any money at all. My advice is not to give up! It takes time to build a site that will make you money, though with the right direction, planning and hard work this can be achieved quicker. It all depends on how you monetize your blog!
The following list is a collection of many of the different ways of making money with your website. Depending on what your website is about, a large number of these techniques can be implemented to earn you cash. But don’t get disheartened if one method doesn’t work for you just try a different one and build upon that!
I hope this list helps you to see the variety of ways that you can begin to earn money online.

30 Ways To Monetize Your Blog

1. Pay Per Click Advertising


You can probably guess from the name how you monetize your blog from this method. You get paid for every click a visitor makes on these ads. You sign up to a provider and they give you a code for you to place on your site. The provider will then send contextual ads to your site (either image or text based) that are relevant to the content of your website. Google AdSense is the most widely used provider of this service, but there are many others out there.
Pay Per Click (PPC) ads vary in profitability depending on the amount of traffic your website gets. Only a small percentage of people will click on these ads, so to earn a lot of money from them you will need a lot of traffic.
The click-through rate (CTR) of your visitors depends on the design of your website. Certain parts of your website pages are more valuable than others, so to increase your CTR these PPC ads can be placed there. For example, space at the beginning and end of articles/blog posts are highly visible, so by putting a PPC in these positions may increase the chances of someone clicking on one. If on the other hand you place these ads at the bottom of the page where nobody can see them, then nobody will click on them.
The cost per click (CPC) can also determine how much you are likely to earn from this type of ad. Adverts that display financial products or mortgages will generate you more income due to the higher price of the actual product, compared with perhaps children’s toys. The former may pay you as much as $1+ for every click through by one of your visitors, whereas a click on toys may pay you only a few cents.
Which ads shows up on your site is dependant on the content of your website. After all, it would be daft showing financial products on a website that talks about children’s toys and vice versa.
PPC ads are a good way to easily monetize your blog. However, to make serious money from them you will need lots of traffic.
You can find PPC adverts for your website at these popular sites:

2. Cost Per Mile Advertising

Cost per Mile advertising (CPM) is similar to PPC advertising, however instead of getting paid on a per-click basis, you get paid according to the number of impressions (page views) you get. This is worked out for every 1000 impressions that it has. For example, a website that gets 200,000 page views per month that displays a $1 CPM ad will generate you $200 a month!
There are a number of different CPM providers out there that you can get ads from. Each varies on how much they will pay you, generally the better the provider the higher rate you will be paid. This is because the best providers have access to more and better quality advertisers that are willing to pay you more.
Just like PPC, CPM adverts can pay you more depending on where the advert is placed on your website. The higher the ad is placed and the bigger the ad is, will generally make you more money.
CPM adverts are beneficial for websites that have lots of traffic and a high page view per visitor ratio, but it is still a good option to consider when looking to monetize your blog.

3. Text Link Ads


This type of advertising allows you to place text based ads within the text of your articles. For example, if you are writing an article about a certain software, you can place text-link ads within your posts that would refer your viewers to that particular product.
You can’t just link to anything though, you need to sign up to that specific product affiliate advertising scheme (see ‘10. Affiliate Marketing‘ below) or you can sign up to a specialised provider who will automate the service.
Text-Link-Ads are quite good as it offers a non-intrusive way to monetize your blog that won’t put off your readers.

4. In-text Ads


Very similar to the above text link ads, ‘In-text ads’ are adverts that are placed inside your text content such as articles or blog posts. You can sign up to an In-text advertising provider that will place sponsored links within your text. These are double underlined to make them stand out from other links, so that when a user moves the mouse over one of them a small advertising pop-up will appear. The user can then decide if they want to click on it, which will make you a small amount of money.
These types of ads are a bit more obvious than the previous type, which can put some people off. If used properly, they can be a good way to monetize your blog.

5. Advertising Widgets


This method is relatively new on the scene. An increasing amount of people are using widgets on their websites to generate some money. These widgets are designed so that they can be easily placed onto a website without any hassle, which display a mixture of PPC, text link ads and affiliate programs.

6. Advertising Space

You can monetize your blog by selling space on your website for advertisers to display a banner. This can be a very lucrative method as it allows you to cut out the middleman and charge what you want for other people to advertise on your site.
Generally these deals are worked out so that you display an ad for a fixed amount of time for an agreed fee with the advertiser. The downside of this method is that you need to commit time to manage the whole process with the advertiser and that your site needs to have a lot of traffic to be considered by advertisers.
As you can see, I offer advertising space on my website in numerous different forms of banner ads that appear on all of my pages.

7. RSS Adverts

If you have an RSS feed (which you should!) then you can follow in the footsteps of millions of other website owners and start placing ads on it.
Many RSS feed generators now offer this service, so that it is even easier to implement them. Some offer CPM or PPC advertising, however you could opt to do it yourself and offer to sell sponsored messages or banners directly on your feed.
You can find adverts for your RSS feed on BidVertiser that you can implement to monetize your feed, though Google FeedBurner lets you do this as well.

8. Audio Advertising


Something that you may not have even considered, Pay per Play (PPP) are audio adverts that are played every time someone visits your website. The ads usually only last a few seconds, with the viewer unable to stop it. This creates a 100% conversion rate with unique visitors, so you get paid about $5 per visit, however this method is very intrusive and may turn off your visitors, making them less likely to make a return visit.
Another form of audio advertising that you could use is ‘Podcast ads’. If you run a podcast on your website, perhaps a weekly update letting your listeners know everything that is new on your website, then you could choose to include advertising. I believe that this type is less intrusive than the former because your podcast would just seem like a short radio show with commercial breaks. As long as you don’t go overboard with the amount of adverts, then this may be a method that could use to monetize your blog.

9. Pop-ups/Lightboxes


No doubt that you have heard of these! Pop-ups are very common online, but they are also very annoying. Many people hate pop-ups and have pop-up blockers installed to stop them. However, if executed in the right way, they can work. Having a single pop-up on your website that only appears to new visitors may work. They grab the attention of the visitor on their first visit and after that they won’t be bothered again by them.
Pop-ups don’t necessarily need to sell products directly.  You can use them indirectly to promote aspects of your website, for example PopUp Domination can be used to encourage people to sign up to your email list of tutorial course, or alternatively you can create a lightbox with AWeber.
Pop-ups can work if you make them less annoying to people. The more frequently they appear, the less traffic you will get coming back!

10. Affiliate Marketing


If done right this, method is a great way to monetize your blog. Many of the previous methods can be used as affiliate marketing methods, but often a review of a product can work just as well.
For example, if you have a gardening website you could research affiliate programs that contain products related to gardening. Perhaps someone wants people to advertise their new lawnmower product, you could write a blog entry ‘What’s the best lawnmower for my garden?’ and at the end you could promote the affiliate product.
With this type of advertising, you can get a commission with every sale that resulted from your recommendation. You refer viewers from your site via recommendations, banner ads, text link ads, etc., which takes them to the product page. If they buy, then you get a commission. This is often worked out on a percentage of the sale price, maybe 10-20%, sometimes more (I’ve seen products offer 75% commission) depending on the individual product.
Check out these great websites that have links to loads of affiliates:

11. Product Reviews


Basically the same as Affiliate Marketing, but more obvious. You can write detailed reviews about products and publish them on your site. Obviously it is better to review products that are related to your website, as you are catering to your target audience. There is no point writing a detailed review about a solar panel for your roof, if your website is about scuba diving.
Many people can build a website solely around product reviews, writing about a variety of subjects such as, hotels, holidays, cars, gadgets, films, etc. If that product has an affiliate program, then you can make quite a bit of money from it.

12. Create & Sell Your Own Product


We are a society of consumers! If you have a product that you have made, then why not sell it on your website. Perhaps you are a software programmer and have designed an app to help people track stocks on their mobile phone. You could let people download it from your website for a small fee. Maybe your hobby is pottery and you want to sell off some of your work, then sell it on a website. If they are popular, there might be a full-time business for them!
The good thing about this is that compared with selling a product in a shop that has a small customer basis, online you have the world to sell your product to.
Check out our ‘Create A Product To Sell Online On Your Own Website‘ post for more details.

13. Write an eBook


Everybody seems to be writing an eBook these days, so why don’t you give it a try. These have become very popular in the last few years with the introduction of commercial eReaders such as the Apple iPad and Amazon Kindle.
You could write an eBook about almost anything. Maybe you are good at DIY, you could write a book about renovating your house that people might find useful. You can then sell it through the Apple iStore or on Amazon.
You can sell it directly on your website as well! This way you get 100% of the sale price and you get traffic to your website.  Selling your own eBook can be an excellent way to monetize your blog!

14. Write a Hardback Book

This could be a continuation from writing an eBook. If you are a good writer you could publish your book in Hardback or paperback form. You could sell this on your website and send a copy to buyers.
This method is usually only successful for authors that have an existing following. An author may have a successful book that they then build a website around to promote it to a global audience. It can work the other way however. Many people have built a successful blog first and then written a book that has sold well.
If you are a good writer then this could be a good option for you.  You can then find a self publishing site, such as iUniverse that lets you publish your very own book.

15. Write Tutorials & Guides

The internet is a great place to find information. Everyone searches for tutorials detailing how to do something. You are reading a guide yourself on ’30 ways your website can earn you money’ right now!
I myself know very little about cars, so I would find tutorials and guides useful explaining technical things that I don’t know. For example, a guide listing ‘Help on buying a new car’ or ‘How to service your own car’ would be very useful.
Everybody knows something that they could teach to another, so why not write about it and publish it on your own website. If its a particularly popular niche that you are writing about, then you could attract a lot of traffic!
Check out some brilliant ways to create content for your website:

16. Teaching Program


The next step from writing tutorials would be to create an online teaching course. You could charge people a membership fee (see #22) or a fixed amount for joining a course that you have set up.
These courses could be about anything and could include podcasts, videos, tutorials, etc.
For example, you may be an expert photographer. You could set up a 2 week online training course detailing how to be a better photographer. You could make videos describing all of the different equipment that you might need, techniques that help achieve excellent quality photos, how to develop photos in a dark room, etc.
You need to make sure that the information that you offer to your paying customers is different to any free content that you offer on your site. You will receive a lot of complaints if you just charged people $100 for information that they just read in your free blog! You can only charge people premium prices for premium content.

17. Live Workshops


The next step from creating an online teaching course is to have a live workshop. Live workshops let you interact with your audience and find out what they like about your website. People who come to your workshops get to meet you and ask you questions face-to-face.
Many people find these types of workshops appealing as they can get so much more out of it, than just following an online tutorial. This is why some people are prepared to pay a lot of money to attend these workshops.
As well as charging people for a ticket, you can make money in other ways from these gatherings. You can promote your own products or books (See methods #12, #13 & #14) at the end of each workshop. If you invite guest speakers to attend your workshops, then you can also collect 50% of everything that they make from promoting their own products.
You can also record the whole event and upload it to your website afterwards, perhaps advertising a future workshop.
Workshops aren’t hard to arrange. Many hotels have conference rooms that you can book for an event. Once booked, you have a date to promote to your readers of when the workshop is taking place. You just have to prepare some kind of presentation, and keep advertising your upcoming workshop.

18. Host A Webinar

Webinar’s are basically a live workshop online. People go on to Webinar’s to hear you talk about your specialist subject. This is great for people that live over-seas that can’t get to one of your workshops.
You make money from Webinar’s by charging an individual for a virtual seat on your presentation. They pay to watch you perform your presentation online and they can interact during the process.
Webinar’s can incorporate power point presentations, web-cams, photos, microphones, polls, etc., making them fully interactive with your audience. Questions are usually left till the end of the Webinar, where each viewer has the opportunity to ask any questions that they want to you.
You don’t have to charge your audience anything to view a Webinar that you are conducting. You could just use it as a marketing tool promoting your website, but the majority of people often host an initial Webinar for free and then charge people for the subsequent ones.
InstantPresenter is a great site that you can use to do this.

19. Be a Consultant


You could monetize your blog by offering consultancy in your specific niche. You need to have a large number of followers and have built a good reputation in your field for this method to earn you money. You can offer one-on-one consulting to people over the phone or via Skype for a fixed rate. People would be willing to pay a premium for this service as they are paying for your undivided attention for an hour or more.
For example, you have built a reputation as being an expert in health and fitness and have a successful blog talking about methods of weight-loss and healthy eating. You could offer a consultancy service, where for one hour a day people can arrange to talk to you via web-cam to plan out a personal tailored exercise regime. You might charge $100 for the hour and the individual might not need to contact you until the next month.
As previously stated, you do need a reputation for this to generate you any money. This is not a method for a start up website, but it could be something to aim for in the future as you grow your website.

20. Find Sponsors For An Event

If your website involves organising events, such as a workshop (See Method #17), or a weekly podcast, etc., you could find companies to sponsor them. Then at the beginning and at the end you would have to promote the sponsor.
You see this type of advertising a lot on TV and in Sport. Many TV shows are sponsored to generate income.
The advantage of this method is that it gives website owners more options to monetise each aspect of their site. Advertisers are attracted to sponsorship deals on high traffic websites as it allows them to reach a targeted audience.

21. Selling Services (Hire Me)

This is often the reason why many people start a website in the first place. You might have a profession in the real world, such as a stock trader, architect, life coach, etc. You could build a website advertising your services to increase your client numbers. Visitors can pay for your professional services through your website and receive your help, as in the previous example this could mean full financial planning and strategies on stock trading.
Obviously, with this method you only get paid when you are working.
A great way to find clients is to have your own ‘Hire Me’ page on your website.  That way, people can see that they can hire you to help them out.

22. Membership Site


Increasing numbers of sites offer premium membership areas. The most famous of these are Newspapers who are switching to more online content due to decreasing sales of actual newspapers.  Websites attract visitors with free content and then they realise that they can get added benefits by paying a membership fee.
An example of this could be a 3D modelling website. The website could offer free tutorials, detailing step-by-step instructions on how to create 3D renderings of objects, perhaps a car. Paying members can download pre-made 3D models that they can use in animations, etc.

23. Private Forums

Similar to a paid membership, private forums can be created to cater to your audience. Members can pay an annual/monthly fee to access the forum and interact with the other members.
There are many free forums out there, so to charge members a fee to access your forum you need to provide excellent, individual content that isn’t available elsewhere.
One example could be a networking forum where people can interact within a professional environment. A forum focusing on academic scientific research could attract scientists from around the world to collaborate with one another.

24. Email Marketing

Email marketing can generate you lots of money. The key is to build a large email list of your customers/visitors. When people register to become a member, you get their email address. When people sign up to your weekly newsletter, you get their email address. The more ways there are to get someone’s email address the better.
With an email list, you can build a brand, recommend products, promote any events/workshops that you may be holding and more importantly to can encourage people to keep returning to your website.
Email marketing isn’t a direct way of making money, but it is a powerful way of increasing your income from your other methods by driving traffic back to your site. Just don’t go overboard with emails so that they are viewed as spam! Nobody likes spam!
Check out this list of software to help manage your email newsletters:

25. Surveys & Polls

You can place surveys and polls from certain companies on your website that will pay you for the privilege. You can sign up to these sites and choose a particular survey/poll that will fit in with the content on your website. Visitors of your site can participate in voting, whilst you get paid for displaying it. Most of these polls operate on a Cost per Mile basis.

26. Paid Directory Listings

This method is an alternate way of selling advertising. Unlike displaying adverts on a page, you allocate space on your website to list links to different companies and services that are related to your niche.
For example, a blog about graphic design could have a separate page that displays links to professional graphic design companies and freelance graphic designers.
You can charge for the privilege to display these links on your website. You can guarantee that the links will be seen by X amount of people per month and you can charge a monthly fee. If you had a list consisting of 500 people and charged them $5 a month, you would make $2500 per month!

27. Job Boards

An advancement of a direct listings is a job board. You can create a web-page that allows companies to post job vacancies. You can charge a small fee for the listing and maybe even a small finders fee if the job is filled by one of your viewers.
This method is very competitive, there are many job boards out there, so a small site will have a very hard time surviving. This could be a suitable method for a larger site, as the more traffic you have, the more listings you are likely to attract.
Check out these great job boards that you can use in WordPress:

28. Sell Your Custom Template or Theme

If you have spent time making your OWN custom template or theme, then you can consider selling it. An increasing amount of people are making their own website, therefore there is a demand for more templates that people can use.
The amount of money that you can make from this method depends on your website skills. A high quality template can be sold for as much as $100+ but that is the top of the range themes. If you have a skill for making these then you could build a small business around making and selling them.
This website runs on a theme that was purchased. The professional themes at WooThemes is a great place to buy high quality templates.
There are loads of sites that make money selling themes:

29. Donations

A method that a lot of people don’t even think of, Donations can provide an alternate source of income from your website. You can get a donate button from PayPal to place on your site and ask people to donate a small amount to you for the service that you provide.
This method is a good way to generate some income if you have a small website, you could ask people to donate an amount to help you pay the upkeep of the website. This method can work for much larger sites as well, generally sites that offer helpful information to its users, can benefit from this method as it allows readers to donate a small amount of money if they feel that you have helped them in some way.
Some people may not like the idea of this, but the advantage of this method is that it can be easily set up and left. If people want to donate anything then they can, if not they don’t have to. You’ll be surprised how many people are willing to give you some money if you have genuinely helped them.  Why not buy me a coffee!

30. Auction Your Website


Some websites just don’t make money for whatever reason, but before you just give up and walk away, you could consider selling your website. You can find many sites that offer to list your site for sale for people to bid on. You would be surprised to see how much some websites can go for.
Why would anybody want to buy your website? Well that is because people are lazy! It takes time and effort to build a website from scratch, so a lot of people like to buy built websites and build upon them. Some people do it for a living, building websites and then selling them on for a profit.
The advantage of this is that you can make quite a bit of money selling your website, it just depends on the quality of it.
So what do you think?  How many of these methods do you use on your website/blog?  Do you use any other methods to monetize your blog that aren’t listed here?  Let us know your views by leaving a comment below!
Image by ‘Steven Depolo’ [Source]

Saturday 5 March 2016

A list Of all real Earning websites + Proof + (paypal / payoneer /payza ...) top #1 list from admin (ander $35 minimum)


It’s the hard truth: Earning money online takes time.
So, receiving your payment shouldn’t.
With Payoneer partners, the withdrawal of your online earned money is easier.
And that’s why we look for payoneer partners where we can work online and get paid faster.
Thanks to Payoneer, you can easily receive the money you earn online directly onto your bank account or a free debit MasterCard. Anyone can get his own card if he is above 18.
These programs boosted my online career. And this list will fit your need if you like convenient payment.
You can make money online with Payoneer partners requiring low payment threshold. That’s why I make that list starting from companies where you can request even a few dollars earned.
Earn money with any skill; use your money the way you want it.

But before the list, what is Payoneer?

… When we work online, we expect fast payment. Don’t you?
In fact, the lower an internet money making program paying threshold is, the faster you will reach that minimum payout. And happier you’ll be.
As stated above, Payoneer is a convenient way to get paid online. It is simple!
  1. You sign up for an account and order a debit MasterCard free.
  2. A physical debit Mastercard, powered by payoneer, is sent to your home address free of charge.
  3. You can use it to purchase at online store, local store and to withdraw at a local ATM machine in your own currency.
Did not order your own yet? Start now, get $25 welcome bonus when you accumulate $100 in transfer (withdrawal – purchase – getting paid). Get YOUR FREE debit card powered by Payoneer now!
It took times. But I investigated and found legitimate Payoneer partner website / programs and Payoneer online jobs to build your income on the internet.
We’ll go through a detailed list of companies paying with Payoneer.

How to make money with Payoneer partners?

I wanted to add this clarification first. This post is not JUST about how to make money online with Payoneer refer a friend program, I introduce it below as ONE of the way to get paid via payoneer.
It is about online work at home jobs and paying programs that are Payoneer partners.
Those programs pay at low minimum payment. People often call them “Payoneer online jobs”.

A Payoneer partner is a program, a company, which is allowed to provides Payoneer powered debit MasterCard to its customers and workers. The similarity between these programs is the payment methods.
They differ in the way you can use them to earn revenue. You can earn money with Payoneer from anything you do on the internet.
So, whatever your skill level, your fields of interest, you’re ready to go with this Payoneer partners’ list.

Finally, the list of payoneer partners…

This is a list of Payoneer partners which make payment process at low minimum payout:

$10 minimum payment threshold program paying through Payoneer : Shorten links to share on the internet. Get paid $1 to $5 per thousand views. Get paid through PayPal at the minimum of $1 and $10 through Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard! Daily payment for 1-month old users and previously paid users; Monthly payment for general publishers. (see’s proof of payment)!

Get paid via Payoneer once you reach $15 in earning

TeeSpring: Design and sell t-shirt online for free and get paid via Payoneer. TeeSpring pay through US Bank transfer, PayPal and Payoneer. The minimum payout via Payoneer is $15.
Create your account on now using that link. Set your revenue per t-shirt: average is $7 per t-shirt.
Additionally, get $0.50 per t-shirt sold up to $2500 bonus as new user. You can create an account to refer your friends and get $0.50 per t-shirt they sold. It is a win-win game.
You can create store to offer discount and increase your earning.
Once you create your account, consider these two courses to master selling with TeeSpring:
  • Affiliate Marketing beginners – Sell T-shirts with TeeSpring: This course is for someone who just stumble about TeeSpring and don’t know how it works. I did not take it because I knew about the site when I discovered the course. But I don’t know about you.
  • Affiliate Marketing Advanced – Sell T-shirts with TeeSpring: This is the course I took where John Piteo shares exactly how he generates $1000 a week with TeeSpring. It teaches you how to target an audience that will buy t-shirts from you, how to manage Facebook ads and improve.

Payoneer partners paying at $20 minimum payout

Sharecash: Sharecash is a paid per download file. Get up to $1 for each download, the minimum payout through debit card is $20. You earn also for referring your friends.
SeoClerks: Seoclerks is a micro jobs site paying via Payoneer. Make money online completing micro tasks and get paid through Payoneer, Paypal, Western Union, etc…
Get paid into your free debit MasterCard when your account balance reach $20. Earn 20% from your referred members and start completing tasks to get paid from $1 to $250 per task. ( See SeoClerks’s proof of payment and tips – I earn more than $600 with this site already. More than $190 are referral income.)!

Fiverr: Sell your micro freelance services through Fiverr. It is like SeoClerks. You list your services and get paid when someone hire you to complete such services. They pay through Payoneer at $20 minimum, PayPal at $1, Bank transfer at $50 and US bank transfer at $5.
Exoclick: It is cost per click, cost per view, cost per action ad media for the web and mobile platforms. The minimum payout is $20 through Payoneer weekly. The site requires 50 unique daily visitors to get accepted as a publisher.
Kontextua: Kontextua is a display, in-link and ads-in-image advertising network. They are paying through Payoneer at $20 minimum.

$25 minimum payout – Payoneer partners

Payoneer Refer A Friend: Payoneer allow you to get paid to refer your friends. You both earn $25 when the referred member accumulate $100 in transactions using his new card. You get paid your $25 then.

Matomy SEO (Formerly TLA – Text Link Ads): It is a link marketplace where advertisers buy link place on a publisher website. You will get paid monthly if your account equals or is greater than $25.

 Get paid 10% recurring income during two years from publisher and $25 per advertisers who spend $25 in advertising.
Mediashakers: It is a CPC, CPM, CPA ad network. They are paying at $25 via Mediashakers debit card powered by Payoneer.
Adbooth : Adbooth is an ad network split into a cost per mille and a cost per action network. It is one of the internet money making program where you can cash out your earning via Payoneer debit MasterCard.

$30 minimum payout

freelancer: It is the world most large freelance marketplace. Get hired and complete outsourcing projects. Withdraw as soon as you accumulate $30 in balance account.
Frelancer is a god source of income for freelancers and affiliate. I have made more than $200 in affiliate sales with it. Get 10% of jobs from your referred employees and employers for their first 90 days membership.
Elance: Elance for electronic Lancing is an outsourcing and freelance marketplace where you can make money online and get paid through Payoneer at $20 minimum payment threshold.


Payoneer partners with $35 minimum withdrawal

bluesnap: promote products as marketer and get sales. Get paid through Payoneer, Ach, wire and PayPal at $35 minimum!
You can sell your products online as well using BlueSnap and get paid via Payoneer. But it fits large retailer and developers.
If you want to increase affiliate sale, you can check out this course about getting traffic to affiliate links even without a website. , check it out.

Friday 4 March 2016

5 Real Online Jobs for Earning Quick Money

1. Amazon Mturk

One of the real online jobs to make money is to use Amazon MTurk.
Amazon Mturk is a great website to earn additional income by doing simple chores. Mostly the clients on this website are from the USA, and so the pay is also good. The pay range starts from $0.20 to $5 for jobs. There are all sorts of tasks available on this site including visiting a website, writing an article, or translating a script. Most of the job takes only a few minutes to complete and pay you easy money.
Amazon’s MTurk is also known as Amazon Mechanical Turk which enables you to make some real money online. You have to complete few simple tasks using MTurk to make money in return.
For instance, you can video transcribe for someone (converting video output into text) for $3. You might use surveys for $1 each or you’ll be asked to write a product review for $2. Most of these tasks on Amazon MTurk are pretty simple to finish and you don’t need any expert skills or prior experience to make money online.
Here are few tips to make decent amount using Amazon Mechanical Turk
  • Stay away from penny dollar tasks, that are really not worth your time.
    Focus more on $3 to $5 range tasks that can be finished really fast and can bring you a decent amount in one hour.
    Try tests if you’re just starting out, they are worth your time and give you good income per hour.
    Transcribing media files can give you more money (it ranges from $10 to $100!)
You can sign up for free on this website, but before signing up, ensure that you belong to one of the accepted countries listed there; otherwise you will not be able to withdraw your money. You can only use your earned money to shop from
Note: You are allowed to start transferring your money from amazon to a verified bank account after 10 days you have submitted you first task.


Are you good at coming up with memorable domain name ideas or slogans for online businesses or websites? If yes, PickyDomains is for you where you can make money by suggesting domain names or slogans.
This is one popular and risk-free crowd sourcing website that helps you earn a decent amount of money by creating unique and different domain names. Individuals who have started a new website take the help of contributors at PickyDomains for a good and creativet domain name. You have to check the available orders at this website and submit a few suggestions that you feel best according to the requirements posted by the client.
The client may dislike, like or pick up your domain name. Once your domain name is picked up, you will be paid by the client.  So, if you can think creatively PickyDomains certainly need you. The pay at PickyDomains is quite high as you can easily earn around $20 to $50 once your domain is approved by the client. Although finding real online jobs is hard, but try this one and you’ll never regret.
You’ll get up to 40 to 60% of order value if someone picks up your slogan or domain name idea. You first have to register (for free), then start brainstorming various unique domain names and slogans. You will usually get paid within 14 days after payment has been requested.


As the name suggests Microworkers site provides you micro jobs and you will be get paid once the tasks in your hand are completed. They can range from filling up sign up forms to forum participation to rating various videos etc.
When your earnings on Microworkers site reach $9, you will be allowed to place a withdrawal request, and then you can transfer that money to your PayPal or bank accounts. is a site that is quite similar to Amazon mechanical turk. This site also pays you for doing some odd micro jobs. You can easily earn a few cents by just signing up, writing a small article, commenting on a blog post or by following someone on twitter.

4. eBay

Most people ask me can I really make money using eBay, and my answer is yes. eBay is a leading business eCommerce company established in 1995 and giving top notch services to its users. eBay is the reason why most real online jobs still exist!
You can make quick money on ebay by showcasing and selling your stuff to potential buyers. You can start earning on ebay by selling your own things. There are many international buyers on ebay that are interested in buying a lot of stuff of their interest. If you are good with paints or any creative crafts, you can simply list them on ebay for selling. This way you will be handsomely paid off for your hard work.
Here’s a simple step by step process to get started making money using eBay.
  • Have something to sell (a product, video, eBook etc.)
  • Write a friendly description about the product to attract people to buy from you
  • Upload it on to eBay and start making money
Browse popular items on eBay to figure out the hot selling products so you can start creating the similar stuff to make some real money online quickly.


We all have been using some kind of software to get things done online or offline. If you have been using a software for a long time, you must have a good knowledge about its pros and cons, right? So why not write a review about that product and get paid for it?
Or if you have lately purchased a product but you are not at all satisfied with it. Want to write a negative review about it? Then go ahead and write a bad review about that product and still get paid. Here’s where SoftwareJudge comes into place where you will be get paid for each and every product review that you write be it a good one or bad one. You can earn up to 50 dollars per every software review that you write.
It’s a great place to start making some real money online if you’re a person who is using software for getting things done. Go ahead and create a free account and start writing software reviews to make money.

4 Ways to Crack a Facebook Password and How to Protect Yourself from Them (Toturials)

Despite the security concerns that have plagued Facebook for years, most people are sticking around and new members keep on joining. This has led Facebook to break records numbers with over one billion monthly active users as of October 2012—and around 600 million active daily users.
We share our lives on Facebook. We share our birthdays and our anniversaries. We share our vacation plans and locations. We share the births of our sons and the deaths of our fathers. We share our most cherished moments and our most painful thoughts. We divulge every aspect of our lives. We even clamor to see the latest versions even before they're ready for primetime.
But we sometimes forget who's watching.
We use Facebook as a tool to connect, but there are those people who use that connectivity for malicious purposes. We reveal what others can use against us. They know when we're not home and for how long we're gone. They know the answers to our security questions. People can practically steal our identities—and that's just with the visible information we purposely give away through our public Facebook profile.

The scariest part is that as we get more comfortable with advances in technology, we actually become more susceptible to hacking. As if we haven't already done enough to aid hackers in their quest for our data by sharing publicly, those in the know can get into our emails and Facebook accounts to steal every other part of our lives that we intended to keep away from prying eyes.
In fact, you don't even have to be a professional hacker to get into someone's Facebook account.
It can be as easy as running Firesheep on your computer for a few minutes. In fact, Facebook actually allows people to get into someone else's Facebook account without knowing their password. All you have to do is choose three friends to send a code to. You type in the three codes, and voilà—you're into the account. It's as easy as that.
In this article I'll show you these, and a couple other ways that hackers (and even regular folks) can hack into someone's Facebook account. But don't worry, I'll also show you how to prevent it from happening to you.

Method 1: Reset the Password

The easiest way to "hack" into someone's Facebook is through resetting the password. This could be easier done by people who are friends with the person they're trying to hack.
  • The first step would be to get your friend's Facebook email login. If you don't already know it, try looking on their Facebook page in the Contact Info section.
  • Next, click on Forgotten your password? and type in the victim's email. Their account should come up. Click This is my account.
  • It will ask if you would like to reset the password via the victim's emails. This doesn't help, so press No longer have access to these?
  • It will now ask How can we reach you? Type in an email that you have that also isn't linked to any other Facebook account.
  • It will now ask you a question. If you're close friends with the victim, that's great. If you don't know too much about them, make an educated guess. If you figure it out, you can change the password. Now you have to wait 24 hours to login to their account.
  • If you don't figure out the question, you can click on Recover your account with help from friends. This allows you to choose between three and five friends.
  • It will send them passwords, which you may ask them for, and then type into the next page. You can either create three to five fake Facebook accounts and add your friend (especially if they just add anyone), or you can choose three to five close friends of yours that would be willing to give you the password.

How to Protect Yourself

  • Use an email address specifically for your Facebook and don't put that email address on your profile.
  • When choosing a security question and answer, make it difficult. Make it so that no one can figure it out by simply going through your Facebook. No pet names, no anniversaries—not even third grade teacher's names. It's as easy as looking through a yearbook.
  • Learn about recovering your account from friends. You can select the three friends you want the password sent to. That way you can protect yourself from a friend and other mutual friends ganging up on you to get into your account.

Method 2: Use a Keylogger

Software Keylogger
A software keylogger is a program that can record each stroke on the keyboard that the user makes, most often without their knowledge. The software has to be downloaded manually on the victim's computer. It will automatically start capturing keystrokes as soon as the computer is turned on and remain undetected in the background. The software can be programmed to send you a summary of all the keystrokes via email.
CNET has Free Keylogger, which as the title suggests, is free. If this isn't what you're looking for, you can search for other free keyloggers or pay for one.
Hardware Keylogger
These work the same way as the software keylogger, except that a USB drive with the software needs to be connected to the victim's computer. The USB drive will save a summary of the keystrokes, so it's as simple as plugging it to your own computer and extracting the data. You can look through Keelog for prices, but it's bit higher than buying the software since you have the buy the USB drive with the program already on it.

How to Protect Yourself

  • Use a firewall. Keyloggers usually send information through the internet, so a firewall will monitor your computer's online activity and sniff out anything suspicious.
  • Install a password manager. Keyloggers can't steal what you don't type. Password mangers automatically fill out important forms without you having to type anything in.
  • Update your software. Once a company knows of any exploits in their software, they work on an update. Stay behind and you could be susceptible.
  • Change passwords. If you still don't feel protected, you can change your password bi-weekly. It may seem drastic, but it renders any information a hacker stole useless.

Method 3: Phishing

This option is much more difficult than the rest, but it is also the most common method to hack someone's account. The most popular type of phishing involves creating a fake login page. The page can be sent via email to your victim and will look exactly like the Facebook login page. If the victim logs in, the information will be sent to you instead of to Facebook. This process is difficult because you will need to create a web hosting account and a fake login page.
The easiest way to do this would be to follow our guide on how to clone a website to make an exact copy of the facebook login page. Then you'll just need to tweak the submit form to copy / store / email the login details a victim enters. If you need help with the exact steps, there are detailed instructions available by Alex Long here on Null Byte. Users are very careful now with logging into Facebook through other links, though, and email phishing filters are getting better every day, so that only adds to this already difficult process. But, it's still possible, especially if you clone the entire Facebook website.

How to Protect Yourself

  • Don't click on links through email. If an email tells you to login to Facebook through a link, be wary. First check the UR. If you're still doubtful, go directly to the main website and login the way you usually do.
  • Phishing isn't only done through email. It can be any link on any website / chat room / text message / etc. Even ads that pop up can be malicious. Don't click on any sketchy looking links that ask for your information.
  • Use anti-virus & web security software, like Norton or McAfee.

Method 4: Stealing Cookies

Cookies allow a website to store information on a user's hard drive and later retrieve it. These cookies contain important information used to track a session that a hacker can sniff out and steal if they are on the same Wi-Fi network as the victim. They don't actually get the login passwords, but they can still access the victim's account by cloning the cookies, tricking Facebook into thinking the hacker's browser is already authenticated.
Image via Firesheep is a Firefox add-on that sniffs web traffic on an open Wi-Fi connection. It collects the cookies and stores them in a tab on the side of the browser.
From there, the hacker can click on the saved cookies and access the victim's account, as long as the victim is still logged in. Once the victim logs out, it is impossible for the hacker to access the account.

A Couple More Facebook Hacks

For those with a bit more technical skill, check out the Same Origin Policy Facebook hack and the somewhat easier, Facebook Password Extractor. We will continue add more Facebook hacks in the near future, so keep coming back here.

How to Protect Yourself

  • On Facebook, go to your Account Settings and check under Security. Make sure Secure Browsing is enabled. Firesheep can't sniff out cookies over encrypted connections like HTTPS, so try to steer away from HTTP.
  • Full time SSL. Use Firefox add-ons such as HTTPS-Everywhere or Force-TLS.
  • Log off a website when you're done. Firesheep can't stay logged in to your account if you log off.
  • Use only trustworthy Wi-Fi networks. A hacker can be sitting across from you at Starbucks and looking through your email without you knowing it.
  • Use a VPN. These protect against any sidejacking from the same WiFi network, no matter what website you're on as all your network traffic will be encrypted all the way to your VPN provider.

Protecting Yourself: Less Is More

Social networking websites are great ways to stay connected with old friends and meet new people. Creating an event, sending a birthday greeting and telling your parents you love them are all a couple of clicks away.
Facebook isn't something you need to steer away from, but you do need to be aware of your surroundings and make smart decisions about what you put up on your profile. The less information you give out on Facebook for everyone to see, the more difficult you make it for hackers.
If your Facebook account ever gets hacked, check out our guide on getting your hacked Facebook account back for information on restoring your account.


The Ways to Hack a Facebook Account Using Kali Linux 2.0

As far I'm aware the best methods would be:
  • Phishing (make a fake facebook page or email for example) to get the password or security question answers.
  • Compromising their machine with metasploit and using meterpreter keyscan
  • Using knowledge about the victim to trick "account recovery" (for example answering security questions or adding them as a friend on fake fb accounts and using the "allow my friends to verify I'm locked out" option)
  • Occupytheweb has two tutorials detailing specific methods to hack facebook but they have to be used under particular circumstances
There's no silver bullet tool for facebook and as a website it has a lot of money and man power so its very secure.
 thse are the commun ways and i'll put a video / totu on every one of them , please react to help

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